2023中国国际氢能及燃料电池产业博览会展后报告(英)-Interact Analysis.pdf
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Hydrogen Energy Fuel Cel Expo China –March 2023 An overview of China’s first tradeshow for H2 and fuel cel in 2023 Riseabovethe pack. Inspiring intelligentinsight Contents §Show facts and figures §Key highlights §Key Trends §New Vendors §Innovations §Research Reports §Meet the Team Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. This report is based on our observations made at HEFC Expo part of CECover a course of thre days. Whilst we had numerous metings, it was impossible for us to se everything. Inclusion here should not be viewed as an endorsement of any company nor is thereany requirements/criteria to feature in this report. If you would like to met with our analyst team in the future, please contact us. ShowFactsandFigures §CEEC covers an exhibition area of 3500 square meters and 200 registered attendes §CEEC consists of thre topics Hydrogen, energy storage, and photovoltaics §HEFC Expo is the sub-show specific for hydrogen §HEFC Expo has largest scale and occupies the largest hall. §120 exhibitors for CEC, while 70 exhibitors for HEFC Expo §The exhibitors include fuel cel powertrain component supliers and system integrators, H2 storage and distribution supliers, electrolyzersupliers, refueling system integrators and facility supliers. §Half of the exhibitors are related to hydrogen production and infrastructure, electrolyzersupliers dominates. 120 Exhibitors 35k Square meter 20000 visitors 20 Conference Sessions Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Key Highlights –HEFC Expo This is the first hydrogen-specific tradeshow taking place in China after Covid restrictions have ben fuly lifted. §The industry is in its infancy -many of the technologies and products on display are not yet being deployed commercially. Despite policy-driven growth, the development of the fuel cel powertrain component market has stepped ahead of the market for clear H2 supply. However, the industry starts to pay more attention to the H2 supply, especialy the gren H2. Theelectrolyzersupliers dominated the expo and attracted the most attention. §Most of the exhibitors are local vendors-boosting the hydrogen industry by local supply chain has always been encouraged. Two years ago, fuel cel powertrain components, including stacks, BOP and onboard H2 tank, relied very much on imports. But today, local vendors start to lead the suply. Talking to air compressor supliers we got the sense that the made-in-China fuel cel compresors are competitive in both cost and technology. China has the inherent advantage of producing gren hydrogen on a large scale, and the production capacity of Chinese electrolyzersis leading the world. Leading supliers who atend the show including SungrowChina, LONGiChina, John Cockeril Jingli ChinaBelgium, SinoHyEnergy China §The government plays an important role in pushing the hydrogen industry. Many people and groups from government agencies joined the exhibition, either as exhibitors or visitors. According to communication with the suppliers, government actions are the most important considerations in most of the hydrogen projects they undertake today. §Theindustrial development expects to acelerate significantly in 2023. Many exhibitors tell us that projects/orders are increasing quickly from the second half of 202. The hydrogen market is expected to grow strongly in 2023, benefiting from the change in Covidpolicy. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. FC Powertrain components Confidential.©2023InteractAnalysis.AllRightsReserved. 5 FC system vendor showing their product with 100 kw power output Five fuel cel supliers display their fuel cel products, including fuel cel system and stacks for comercial vehicles Sinohytec, Wenli, Sinosynergy, In-power Hydrogen Propulsion and Fenergy. Sinohytechas substantial market share in the fuel cel system market in China. It has a subsidiary SinoFuelCelfocusing on stack production. Before 2021, many of Sinohytec’sfuel cel systems were equiped with stacks from Toyota. However, since last year, the majority offuel cel systems are equiped with localized stacks from SinoFuelCel. The local stacks are also adopted by the rest of the fuel cel exhibitors. SHPT, another leading local fuel cel supplier with in-house stacks, is the shareholder of In-power Hydrogen Propulsion and provides it with its core fuel cel technology. Sinohytec, Sinosynergy, Fenergyalso display self-produced fuel cel stacks. All fuel cel systems on display have a power output of more than 10kw and show promise with a duration of 1500hrs. They’re ideal for diferent heavy-duty vehicles. This is a clear trend for FCEV market in China given more government encouragement for fuel cel aplications in heavy-duty vehicles . Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. H2 tank vendor showing lighter and cheaper tanks with higher capacity H2 tanks are not the main character of the show. Only two companies display hydrogen storage solutions. Beijing Tianhaiis the one focusing on onboard hydrogen storage. It display onboard hydrogen storage solutions with 310L tanks. They’re type IV and the storage presure is 70MPa. According to the conversation, Tianhaiproduces type IV tank at a lower cost than type II with localized carbon fibre, the companyalso had a special solution to deal with the sealing problems for type IV tanks. Talking to an enginer from the company, we got to know that many local vendors start to purchase the carbon fibre the costliest part of the tanksfrom local supliers since last year. They’re also targeting a localized suply of on-tank valves. After complete localization, the cost of an H2 tank could decrease by over 50 in next few years. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Compressor vendors showing their high-power productswith low cost Easylandis the exclusive exhibitor who displayed fuel cel air compresors, the most expensive BOP components in the fuel cel system. It displays fuel cell air compresors that can be used for 20kw fuel cel system. According to the marketing person from Easyland, almost every fuel cell compresors sold in China last year are centrifugal dual stage compresors, most of which were manufactured by local vendors. The made-in-China air compresors have ben sold to oversea fuel cel system supliersdue to its substantial cost competitivenes and capability to match high-power system. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Not only for on-road vehicles ----Fuel cell trains RongchuangNew Energy is the exclusive exhibitor who display fuel cell system for hydrogen trains and trams. Rongchuanghas joined several projects to deploy fuel cel trams and locomotives in China. It provides CRC with fuel cell systems. Some CRC projects have completed the testing phase and wil start to operate very son. Rongchuanghas fuel cel system products ranging from 10kW –1MW. Besides fuel cel system for heavy transport, it also has fuel cel products for power generation. According to the marketing director from Rongchuang, the hydrogen trains are designed to replace diesel trains. The lifecycle TCO for hydrogen trains is posible to be lower than an electric trains today due to the cost of overhead catenary. Hydrogen can show its advantage in energy density when comparing to battery train, which require a large and heavy battery onboard. Rongchuangis also looking at the European market, where some hydrogen trains have ben in operation and the share of non-electrified railway is higher than in China. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Not only for on-road vehicles ----Fuel cell drones Doosan Mobility displayed its fuel cel solution for drones, including a 1.25kw fuel cel module and a smal type II H2 tank China market only. Fuel cell technology is a promising solution for industrial drone inspection, which requires a long flight duration. The fuel cel module is made by Dosan, while the H2 tank comes from local vendors. Based on a talk with Dosan, the fuel cell drone is stil much expensive than an electric drone. The client doesn’t ned to wory about H2 refueling, since the client makes anual payment for it Dosan wil replace the tank with ful H2 stored once the H2 hasrun out. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. The suply of gren H2 Confidential.©2023 InteractAnalysis.AllRightsReserved. Electrolyzerdominates the show, ALK leads Electrolyzersupliers dominate the show 20 of the exhibitors are electrolyzersupliers. They provide the energy company/gas producer with electrolyzer, a key production technology for gren H2. Some of the companies are also capable of providing the power supply facility rectifierand system integration solution, but none of these directly deliver H2. LONGi, Sungrow, John Cockerill JingliJV of John Cockeril and Jingliand SinohyEnergy have world-leading production capacity. They all are at the expo and showtheir technology in gren H2 production. Alkaline ALKelectrolyzersseem to be the mainstream technology for gren H2 production in China A large production scale acompanied by lower costs. Many supliers can provide the electrolyzercapable of H2 production of up to 200Nm3/h, with energy consumption of lower than 4.5kwh/Nm3. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Note that the photos shown here are either the model or a scaled-down prototype, instead of real electrolyzer. The real one is to big to be displayed in a hall. Refueling networks are crucial to conect suply and demand Supliers that involved in H2 refueling busines is another highlight at the expo. CenstarH2e and ZTCE are the two big HRS equipment suplier, they display their H2 dispensers, which can refuel at both 35MPa and 70MPa. Many HRS equipment supliers start to participate large HRS projects 200kg/d. There is a clear trend that HRS is becoming larger in refueling capacity. By comunicating with the supliers, we know that HRS equipment supliers typicaly also have the capability to provide systemic solutions for hydrogen refueling stations but are generaly not involved in hydrogen suply and transportation. Another big HRS player at the show is Hyfun, they have 70 HRS in China so far. At the show Hyfunhighlighted its high-capacity hydrogen distribution solution Magnesium-based solid-state hydrogen distribution trucks. The distribution capacity and the safety are the main advantage. Hydrogen compresors are the most expensive part of HRS, there’re also some exhibitors who specializing in hydrogen compressors, for example, PDC maschine and Compres. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Solutions for H2 ecosystem Some giant companies display their system-wide solution for H2 suply chain. CIMC Hydrogen, a state-owned company, can offer facilities for the whole hydrogen suply chain, including electrolyzers, tube trailers, hydrogen dispensers, hydrogen stations, onboard H2 tanks. Sungrowhas a product portfolio covering power supply, energy storage, PV, chargers and electrolyzers, it also shows their solution for the hydrogen ecosystem at the expo. 8 Research Reports Confidential. © 2021 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Comercial Vehicle Research Reports EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT MATERIAL HANDLING AG EQUIPMENT BUSES TRUCKS POWERTRAIN VOLUMES FORECAST §Off-Highway Vehicles §Hybrid Electric Trucks Buses §Forklifts §China New Energy Bus and Truck Market Monthly Tracker OTHER COMPONENTS §Hydrogen ICE Market and Technology Assesment §Hydrogen In Transport Aplications – Standard/Premium §Mobile Hydraulics §Hydrogen Electrolyser/Rectifier ELECTRIFIED COMPONENTS ARCHITECTURE §On-Highway Powertrain formerly Electrified Truck and Bus Powertrain Components – APAC/EMEA §Off-Highway Powertrain §Batery Manufacturing Equipment §Li-Ion Batery and Manufacturing Equipment Market Tracker VEHICLE VOLUMES FORECAST Confidential. 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. MINING EQUIPMENT Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Integrated Marketing Comunications In adition to our market research, Interact Analysis have a subsidiary company, Golden Brain. Golden Brain is a marketing comunications agency dedicated to working with B2B industrial automation, warehouse automation and comercial vehicle companies and ofers a comprehensive integrated marketing comunications service. Combining dep industry insight with great creativity, the team of experts create stories that are credible, thought-leading and relevant for technical experts and key decision makers. Services include content creation, design, PR and Media, writing co-branded papers and suporting with distribution, pres and media outreach. 20 We’reateamofthinkers,strategizers,researchers,explorers,modelersandanalysts, basedinmanydiferentcountriesaroundtheworld.Weapproachtechnolgyresearch withcuriosityandaneyefordetail,usingwhatwelearntocreatemeaningfulinsights thatdelivertangiblebenefitsforcompanies,justlikeyou. Meet the Team Comercial Vehicles Team We’rerecognizedasoneoftheleadingcomercialvehiclesresearchteamsglobaly,workingwithsomeofthelargestandmostrespected companiesontheplanet. JAMIE FOX ALASTAIR HAYFIELD JANZHANG Senior Research Director, UK 15 years experience Research interest covers electric trucks and buses, autonomous trucks and of-highway electrification Pioner of forecast and statistical modeling. Senior Research Director, China 20 years expertise Head of APAC operations Interdisciplinary expertise covers the entire automation value chain Principal Analyst, Chile 15 years experience Components for comercial vehicle specialist MSc in Nanoscale Science and Technology Senior Analyst, China Interdisciplinary background Research interests include system automation and robotics Responsible for industrial automation, robotics and NEV research SHIRLY ZHU Principal Analyst, China Industrial Automation Comercial Vehicles 10 years experience Expert in motion and industrial controls MAYA XIAO ALEXANDER JONES MARCO WANG YVONE ZHANG GEORGE BLUNT Research Analyst, UK Industrial Automation PhD in Astrophysics Focus on motion controls and smart conveyance Research Analyst, China Substantial research experience in the market for hydrogen- powered vehicles. Research Associate, China Master’s degre in Finance Assists Comercial Vehicle and Industrial Automation teams to organize interpret findings and enhance product outputs. Junior Consulting Analyst, UK Biology graduate Assists with conducting custom- made research for clients in Comercial Vehicles Industrial Automation. Confidential. © 2023 Interact Analysis. Al Rights Reserved. Contact us With ofices spaning the UK, US and Asia, we’ve grown to become the go-to partner for international technology market research. www.interactanalysis.com NORTHAMPTON United K
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