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染料敏化太阳能电池光谱响应测量系统的设计及准确测量 李春辉,郭晓枝,罗艳红,李冬梅,孟庆波 *中国科学院物理研究所,北京中关村南三街 8 号, 100190 *Email qbmengiphy.ac.cn 光谱响应( IPCE)是表征太阳能电池性能的一个重要参数, IPCE 的准确测量有助于理解电池内部电流的产生、 收集和复合机理等。 但是由于一些新型太阳能电池的响应时间比较慢, 传统的用于 p-n 结太阳能电池 IPCE 测量的方法和条件不再适用 [1-3] 。 我们研究室自主设计并搭建了集成直流法 ( DC) 、 准交流法 ( AC-a)及交流法( AC-b )三种方法的 IPCE 测量系统,整个测量过程可以自动控制、实时显示,普遍适用于包括硅基太阳能电池、染料敏化太阳能电池( DSCs) 、有机太阳能电池等在内的各种太阳能电池的 IPCE 及光电流时间响应的测量。通过不同测量方法和光照条件对 DSCs-IPCE 测量结果的影响进行了系统研究,我们发现调制频率和背景光对交流法(使用锁相放大器) IPCE 的测量的准确性有很大影响。响应时间和短路电流的测量结果表明,这种影响的根本原因在于 DSCs 对光的响应速度比较慢。通过系统的测量、比较,进一步详细地分析了影响 IPCE 测量准确性的因素,以及如何才能得到准确、可靠的 IPCE 测量结果 [4,5] 。关键词 光谱响应;染料敏化太阳能电池;仪器搭建;响应时间;短路光电流密度参考文献 [1] ASTM, 2007 Nuclear Energy II, Solar and Geothermal Energy, ASTM Vol. 12.02, E1021-06. [2] ASTM, 2007 Nuclear Energy II, Solar and Geothermal Energy, ASTM Vol. 12.02, E1328-05. [3] Emery, K. in Handbook of Photovoltaic Science and Engineering, edited by Luque A. and Hegedus S. Wiley, Chichester, 2003, Chap. 16. [4] Guo, X.; Luo, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, X.; Li, D.; Meng, Q. B., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2010, 81 10, 103106 [5] Guo, X.; Luo, Y.; Li, C.; Qin, D.; Li, D,; Meng, Q. B.; Current Appl. Phys. doi10.1016/j.cap.2011.03.060 Study on the accurate measurement of the incident photon-to-electron conversion efficiency for dye-sensitized solar cells by home-made setupChunhui Li, Xiaozhi Guo, Yanhong Luo, Dongmei Li, Qingbo Meng *Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190, Beijing, P. R. China An experimental setup is built for the measurement of monochromatic incident photon-to-electron conversion efciency IPCE of solar cells. With this setup, three kinds of IPCE measuring methods as well as the convenient switching between them are achieved. Using this setup, IPCE results of dye-sensitized solar cells DSCs are determined and compared under different illumination conditions with each method. It is found that the IPCE values measured by AC method involving the lock-in technique are sincerely in uenced by modulation frequency and bias illumination. Measurements of the response time and waveform of short-circuit current have revealed that this effect can be explained by the slow response of DSCs. We analysed in detail the factors that affect the IPCE measurement and how to get accurate IPCE results by elaborate comparison.


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