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恶劣环境下硅异质结太阳电池可靠性研究 以沙特阿拉伯红海海滩为例 刘文柱 第十六 届中国太阳级硅及光伏发电 研讨会 江苏无锡, 2020年 11月 4-6日 Outline  Motivation  Tailoring a-SiH film  DH stability of passivation  Stability Strategies for SHJ solar cells  Conclusion Motivation How to achieve high efficient SHJ solar cells How to make stable SHJ solar cell in real environment 24 Mass production Tailoring a-SiH film Microstructure of i-a-SiH can be substantially changed by means of PECVD Tailoring a-SiH film Si-H clusters in large voids dominate the optical bandgap Tailoring a-SiH film Combining IR and ellipsometry, we confirm the Eg is indeed controlled by the clustered Si-H, rather than isolated si-H Jsc Tailoring a-SiH film Sample A Sample B Diff. eV Eg eV 1.59 1.85 0.26  eV 4.33 4.48 0.15 Short bonds retreat the VBM, how to affect the carrier transport Tailoring a-SiH film Theoretically, it does not block electron transport. Tailoring a-SiH film However, when reducing the [H2]/[SiH4] or enlarging the Eg to extremity, the bulk conductivity probably limit the performance of SHJ solar cells FF Tailoring a-SiH film Large Eg seems benefit to Jsc and Voc, and has no influence on FF. Voc Tailoring a-SiH film Trade-off 1.85 eV DH stability of passivation Porous a-SiH degrades faster in DH environment Stability Strategies for SHJ solar cells An optimized plasma condition is another strategy a-SiH Stability Strategies for SHJ solar cells Dielectrics Dielectric protection Holding 98 of initial PCE Conclusions There exists a trade-off between Jsc, Voc and FF, with respect to a-SiH film Strategy 1 Making the a-SiH itself more stable Strategy 2 Protecting the a-SiH by dielectrics 参考文献 Wenzhu Liu, et. al, Damp-heat-stable silicon heterojunction solar cells for mass Production, Joule 4, 1–15, April 15, 2020 Acknowledgments 张丽平 博士 石建华 博士 杨新波 博士 (苏州大学) 俞健 博士 (西南石油大学) 康静轩 (莱布尼茨 paul-drude-institute) 彭军 博士 ( ANU) 延玲玲 (南开大学) 许路加 博士 ( KAUST) 吴卓鹏 陈仁芳博士 王凯 博士 (西北工业大学) Stefaan De Wolf KAUST 孟凡英 研究员 刘正新 研究员


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