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Dr. David René President, International Solar Energy Society SNEC 2019, Shanghai 3 June 2019 Opportunities and Challenges for Very High Levels of PV Penetration SNEC 2019 CO 2 Emission Trends Source htps/www.iea.org/k3k0/emissions/ “Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reached Record High in 2018” –AXIOS, March 25, 2019 33.1 Gt SNEC 2019 Opinion | James Hansen, Boston Globe, 27 June 2018. Global Energy Consumption 2050 Pathway to stay below 1.5 0 C –2.0 0 C Source 1965-2017 BP Statistical Review of World Energy; 190-1965 Department of Energy Carbon Dioxide Information and Analysis Center Curent energy usage is dominated by fosil fuels. 2 0 C increase demed dangerous interference with the climate system IPCC. 1.5 -2 0 C pathway requires a steep change in energy- related GHG emisions. From David Fahey US NOA SNEC 2019 “Al sources of energy to met al end use energy neds in a certain locale, region, or country, are derived from renewable energy sources 24 hours per day, every day of the year.” Adressing the Chalenge with10 Renewable Energy Total contribution from AL renewables 1 TW in 2018; Solar PV provides 2 electricity generation worldwide Scale-up to 10 RE feasible, but significant growth in wind and especialy PV wil be neded To achieve 10 RE goals, variable RE PV and Wind must ofer firm, dispatchable power e.g. through storage, renewable energy resource management, demand side management, etc. Firm PV power can potentialy be achieved through the counterintuitive argument of overbuilding and dynamicaly curtailing PV, thereby reducing storage requirements SNEC 2019 Thank You Dave René presidentises.org Se you at the next ISES Solar World Congress ww.swc2019.org


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