引领城市空中出租车变革(英) Volocopter 2019-6.pdf
Conference Banner Goes Here Innovation in photovoltaics since 1979 Expanding PVLIB Python for Modeling Static CPV SystemsM. Moreno1, I. Steinbach2, S. Haas2, Steve Askins3, R. Herrero3, I. Antón3, L. Anglade4, M. Ackermann4, and César Domínguez1,3,†1ETSIDI-UPM - Spain, 2Reiner Lemoine Institut - Germany, 3IES – UPM - Spain, and 4Insolight SA – SwitzerlandPVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China 2PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Outline Introduction and Motivation– High Efficiency Micro-CPV with Integrated Static Tracking– Insolight module technology– The GRECO project Selected measurement results Extension to PVLIB to cover Static CPV with MJ cells Conclusions 3PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Outline Introduction and Motivation– High Efficiency Micro-CPV with Integrated Static Tracking– Insolight module technology– The GRECO project Selected measurement results Extension to PVLIB to cover Static CPV with MJ cells Conclusions 4PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Application examples for high efficiency solar with added value Space constrained areas over2m kW WUrban Rooftop EV Charging Station 5PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China CPV efficiency advantage; not utilized at utility scale Maike Wiesenfarth, et al, “Current Status of Concentrator Photovoltaic CPV Technology,” 2017. 6PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Introduction to Insolight Investor backed start-up commercializing hybrid micro-CPV technology with integrated, planar micro-tracking, and diffuse collection. D. Sato et al., IEEE JPV, 2019. J. S. Price et al., Nature Energy, Aug. 2017.L. Li et al., “Highly-integrated Hybrid Micro-Concentrating Photovoltaics,” WCPEC, 2018 7PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Insolight concept 8PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Insolight timeline2016 36.4 efficiency Fraunhofer-ISE 2017First demo array EPFL 2018Full Panel 29 IES-UPM 12M€ for Pilot Line2019EU H2020 grant for moving toward industrializationHIPERION 9PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Other projects in High Efficiency/Static CPVMOSAIC24M USD Micro-scale Optimized Solar-cell Arrays with Integrated Concentration 10PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China GRECO in a NutshellGRECO is a multinational research project funded by the European Commission. Its main goal is putting Open Science and other Responsible Research and Innovation RRI approaches into action in a real research project in the photovoltaic sector This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N°787289 11PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Outline Introduction and Motivation– High Efficiency Micro-CPV with Integrated Static Tracking– Insolight module technology– The GRECO project Selected measurement results Extension to PVLIB to cover Static CPV with MJ cells Conclusions 12PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China AOI 0° Indoor I-V curve; III-V output CSTC efficiency 29– Optical improvements ARC, eliminate optical interfaces could improve to 32 Equipment– Helios 3198 Large Area Collimated Beam Solar Simulator flash Insolight ModuleScreen flash is behindIsotype spectral sensor 13PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Micro-tracking validation Indoor performance at AOI 0° Module was mounted on to rotating frame For each position, micro-tracker was manually aligned to concentrated light Validated micro-tracking ability to AOI 50° Fall off to approx. 50 of cosine response. 14PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China AOI 0° Outdoor I-V Curves; both outputs , , 28.08.0MP iI VMP SSIi IIIIV PGNI DNP NI ID , , 29.07.7MP iI VMP SSIi IIIIV PGNI DNP NI ID Clear Day Hazy Day 15PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Operational testing of micro-tracking - ISC Example progression from more to less cloudy 16PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Estimated generation over 12 days; both outputs; micro-tracked – See Askins et. al, Performance of Hybrid Micro-Concentrator Module with Integrated Planar Tracking and Diffuse Light Collection, IEEE PVSEC, June 2019– Data and preprint on 17PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Outline Introduction and Motivation– High Efficiency Micro-CPV with Integrated Static Tracking– Insolight module technology– The GRECO project Selected measurement results Extension to PVLIB to cover Static CPV with MJ cells Conclusions 18PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Modeling Approach Utilization Factors Why pvlib_python– Flexible and extendable– Fits perfectly with mission GRECO project of OPEN SOURCE Implement PVSYST approach of utilization factors with single-diode model– Previously implemented for CPV in PVSYST [Gerstmeier, 2011],– UF slopes and weights found empirically Examples of additional UF implemented – CPV-Specific UFAM, UFTLens, – Static CPV Specific UFAOI 19PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Architecture and Block Diagram We have created two layers of classes following model of PVSystem class in PVLIB–CPVSystem this contains CPV-specific UFs can be used independently–StaticCPVSystem adds the calculation of the DII and UFAOI.– Both classes have a corresponding LocalizedXSystem class TAirAM 20PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China CPVSytem.py Repository These classes are contained in cpvsystem.py module already available on GitHub project “cpvtopvlib” 21PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Next Step Validation of cpvsystem.py In Nov. 2019, a 4-module pilot was installed at IES– To be expanded to a 20-module pilot in Spring 2019 Performance data will be used for validating and improving models– Filtered data sets will be deposited in Zenodo.– Real time Monitoring data will be uploaded to Open Energy Platform 22PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Outline Introduction and Motivation– High Efficiency Micro-CPV with Integrated Static Tracking– Insolight module technology– The GRECO project Selected measurement results Extension to PVLIB to cover Static CPV with MJ cells Conclusions 23PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Conclusions New technologies open applications with high value for the high efficiency of MJ CPV– Micro-CPV– Planar tracking– Diffuse capture Swiss company Insolight is developing the first commercial panel incorporating all three technologies.– 29 CSTC Efficiency III-V output only – Micro-tracking ability validated to ± 55°– Up to 25 energy boost from Si cells in high diffuse days. CPV and Static CPV PVLIB Python library available on GITHUB– Next Step Validation when IES demo array is online– We are open to comments from the PVLIB communityVery compatible 24PVPMC Workshop, 2019.12.8-13, 昆 山 市 , Kunshan, 中 国 China Thank you for your attention We also gratefully acknowledge the support of these institutionsThis work is part of the the GRECO Open Science Initiative. Open Data is shared on Zenodo platform. All publications are Open Access Open Source Static CPV PVLIB library shared on GitHub We turn fortyInnovation in photovoltaics since 1979
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