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149286 2010/10http//www.materialsnet.com.twAn Introduction of Light-induced Degradation on Silicon Solar CellT. Y. Wang 1 C. L. Sun 2 C. H. Lin 3C. W. Lan 4GEL/ITRI 1 2 3 490Siemens ProcessPSolar photovoltaic PV energy will shortly be in great demand, since it is inexhaustible and cleanerthan any conventional energy resources. The global PV production will over 8 GW in 2010 alone, outof which, the majority is the silicon wafer-based solar cells. So far, most of solar grade silicon is from theSiemens process, which is energy intensive and high cost. Therefore, cheaper routes for producingsolar grade silicon are being developed in the PV industries, but the progress in slow. Therefore,seeking a feasible and low-cost route for producing silicon solar cell with high energy transferefficiency is important for the PV industry. Although the solar cell efficiencies made from Cz siliconwafer are already quite high, the light-induced degradation of minority carrier lifetime and cell efficiency,which is caused by a metastable defect under illumination, are still the problem. Far now the methodto avoid light-induced degradation is still under researching./Key WordsSilicon Solar Cell Degradation150286 2010/10http//www.materialsnet.com.tw5050190Czochralski Method; CzFloating Zone Method; FZCzCasting Method302Light-inducedDegradation or Illumination Degradation1973 Fischer Pschunder 3P-type CzBest Research-cell EfficienciesMultijunction ConcentratorsSingle-junction GaAsCrystalline Si CellsThin-Film TechnologiesEmerging PVThree-junction 2-terminal, MonolithicTwo-junction 2-terminal, MonolithicSingle CrystalConcentratorThin FilmSingle CrystalMulticrystallineThick Si FilmCuIn,GaSe2CdTeAmorphous SiH StabilizedNano-, Micro-, Poly-SiMultijunction PolycrystallineDye-sensitized CellsOrganic CellsVarious TechnologiesMatsushitaMonosolarBoeingKodakBoeingUniversityof MaineRCA RCA RCA RCARCA RCARCASolarexBoeingKodak Solarex ARCOAMETEKBoeingPhoton EnergyUnited SolarUniversitySo. FloridaEPFLUniversity Linz UniversityLinzGroningenSiemensPlextronicsSharpUnited SolarKaneka2 μ m on GlassEPFLBoeing Euro-CISNREL NRELNREL NRELNREL NREL NREL NREL NRELNRELUnited SolarUniv. Stuttgart45 μ m Thin-filmTransferSharpLarge-areaFhG-ISEFhG-ISEAmonix92x Conc.NRELCuIn,GeSe214x Conc.UNSWUNSWUNSWUNSWUNSWUNSWUNSW Georgia TechGeorgia Tech SharpVarianStanfordSpireSpireNo. CarolinaState Univ.Westing-houseARCOKopinStanford140x Conc.Varian216x Conc.NRELNRELJapanEnergySunPower96x Conc.NREL/SpectrolabSpectrolabBoeing-Spectrolab NRELInverted,Semi-mismatchedNRELInverted, Semi-mismatched, 1-sunBoeing-SpectrolabMetamorphic 40.733.827.624.720.319.916.512.111.15.41975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010444036322824201612840EfficiencyNREL KonarkaUniv. LinzNRELCdTe/CISAstroPowerSmall-area2151286 2010/10http//www.materialsnet.com.tw200 ° C11.54-Boron-oxygen PairP-type BB Accepter BSubstitutionalB s B sOiB s-O 2i 5SiO SiO0.620.610.60VOCV36.035.535.034.034.50 1 2 3 4 5 6Time hourJSCmA/cm2V OCJSCa0 1 2 3 4 5 6Time hour787674FillFactor17.016.516.015.5EfficiencyFFEffb4SiB sOiO iBs-O 2i 5152286 2010/10http//www.materialsnet.com.tw6BaCO 3BaOBaSiO 3710ppma1518 ppmaP-typeP-type8 V oc9P-typeGallium P-type10k0 0.008Phosphorous N-type N-type11 N-type P-typeN-type1,000 W/m 20-1-2-3-4RelativeVocDegradation0 200 400 600 800 1000Illumination Time minσ 1.2 cm - No Illuminationσ 1.2 cm - 0.5 sunσ 1.2 cm - 1 sunσ 6.8 cm - 1 sun890080070060050040030020010001.τ effμsBefore IlluminationAfter Illumination0.8/9.60.77/13.15.4/10.31.2/0.55.2/1.00.69/04.4/03.4/13.85.2/13.722/13.11BCz2BCz3BMCz4BMCz5BMCz6BFz7BFz8Ga Cz9Ga Cz10GaCzMaterialρ base cm/O i ppm9153286 2010/10http//www.materialsnet.com.twSANYO HITN-typeFZ FZ0.01 ppma12 25 PERL Passi-vated Emitter and Rear Locally-diffusedFZ 13MCz1 ppma103102101 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140160 180 970Illumination Time minτ bμsCz p-Si10 cm, Ga10 cm, B1.5 cm, B1.0 cm, B1014 State A Annealed StateState B Degraded StateState B State C Regenerate StateLimB-doped P-type Cz-Si3 cmP-doped N-type Cz-Si3.5 cm100010010Lifetimeτμs20 6 8 104Illumination Time t hN-type P-type11State A‘ Annealed ’InactiveState B‘ Annealed ’ActiveState C‘ Regenerated ’InactiveDegradationRedegradationAnnealRegenerationDestabilizationStabilization14154286 2010/10http//www.materialsnet.com.tw151 sun 200° C1P-type11567567066566065564564065020.520.019.519.0EfficiencyηOpen-circuitVoltageVOCmV abIllumination atRoom TemperatureRISE-EWT Solar CellBulk Material 1.4- cm Cz-SiIllumination Intensity 100 mW/cm 20 1 2 10 15 20 3025Time t h1. 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