1SMA Solar Technology SMA Storage application in next Gen large-scale hybrid system 新一代复合微网 项 目中 储 能系 统 的 应 用案例及分析 Speaker 陈 健 Dr. Johnny Chen SMA Solar Technology AG. 2SMA Solar Technology Agenda 1 2 3 SMA GROUP AND SMA SUNBELT IN A NUTSHELL 100 DIESEL FREE OPERATION IN CARIBBEAN ISLANDS SELECTED REFERENCES 3SMA Solar Technology SMA GROUP AND SMA SUNBELT IN A NUTSHELL Highlights SMA is a leading global specialist for PV system technology Founded in 1981 65 GW installed base Complete portfolio to serve all PV segments 20 subsidiaries with strong service capabilities and access to all channels Award-winning 20 GW production to achieve scale Sunbelt is the off-grid, hybrid and storage specialist SMA 100 subsidiary of SMA Solar Technology AG Focus on off-grid, hybrid and battery based solar projects in the sunbelt region Business model covers component and solution sales as well as system integration Executed 100 MW of hybrid storage projects Key Figures SMA Group Sales 2017 891 Mio. Euro EBITDA 2017 97,3 Mio. Euro Inverter output sold 2017 8,5 GW Employees 3.000 OM portfolio 2,6 GW Patents and utility models 1.000 Product Innovations ➢SMA has know-how products to benefit from strong growth in the field of battery storage. 4SMA Solar Technology SMA PROVIDES STORAGE SOLUTIONS FOR ALL BATTERY TYPES AND APPLICATIONS Segment SMA Offering Illustration SMA Contribution SMA‘ s share in Utility segment 181 Transmis sion Utility Front-of-Meter 69 Grid storage Grid services Renewable integration Deferral Balancing System integration Energy management System design/ Engineering Grid simulation Efficient battery inverters OM Services Residential, Commercial Industrial Behind-the-Meter SMA‘ s share in R/C segment 7,91 Distribu tion Behind-the-meter Energy shifting Peak shaving ToU2 Power Quality System integration Energy management Calculation of energy savings Efficient battery inverters 31 ➢ SMA has already supplied battery inverters and system technology for 1GW 5SMA Solar Technology SMA PROVIDES SIZING OF THE COMPLETE BATTERY SYSTEM AND DETAILED ENGINEERING IN-HOUSE Sizing ▪ With proprietary software we simulate the output of the battery and can have a detailed load profile for battery degradation ▪ We design the battery specifically for the project and simulate the output and savings Engineering ▪ We can take standard containers, perform own adaptations or design complete DC system as well on a building ▪ We provide the complete detail engineering including electrical and mechanical 6SMA Solar Technology 6 Testing core components in our laboratories avoids draw bags during the installation and commissioning phase. - Test facility for up to 6 MVA simulations - Fully automized testing procedure with remote monitoring - Integration of several gensets 80 – 800kVA - Long time test for battery integrationPrequalified battery technologies Prequalified genset controller SMA HYBRID TEST CENTER ALLOWS FOR PROFESSIONAL TESTING OF ALL HYBRID CORE COMPONENTS 7SMA Solar Technology Agenda 1 2 3 SMA GROUP AND SMA SUNBELT IN A NUTSHELL SELECTED REFERENCES 100 DIESEL FREE OPERATION IN CARIBBEAN ISLANDS 8SMA Solar Technology 8 Caribbean Island of St. Esutatius, Netherlands Antilles Belongs to Netherlands Antilles, 21 km², approx. 4000 Inhabitants 9SMA Solar Technology STUCO Solar Storage Main driving factors Up to 2015, STUCO 100 depending on fossil fuel 5.3 MVA diesel gensets capacity. More than its 78 income was going directly in fuel related operational costs. Dutch Government financed the installation to reduce exposure of STUCO to the high cost of fuel with significant operational losses. The installation offsets sufficient fuel to significantly eliminate operational losses. 10SMA Solar Technology 1 0 STUCO Solar Storage outcome In 2017 St. Eustatius’ grid became the first island in the Caribbean to be entirely powered by a Solar PV and BESS 11SMA Solar Technology STUCO Solar Storage features Commissioning November 2017 Requirements Resiliency against hurricanes Cat 5., Grid Forming Inverter, overall power and energy management system. Plant information Installed PV power 4.15 MWp Installed Storage capacity 5.9 MWh Diesel capacity 5 MVA System Technology Battery 2 x SCS 2200 Grid Forming in 2 x MVPS 2200 and 1xSCS 1000 in MVPS 1000 PV 2xSC CP XT1000 in 1 x MVPS 2000 and 74 SMA Sunny Tripower 25000TL-30 EMS FSC 2.0 with Automatic Genset Shutdown 12SMA Solar Technology 1 2 Operation Concept Dynamic Genset Shutdown by Fuel Save Control Genset Off Gensets On Genset unloadin g Genset shutdow n Genset online Genset start preparatio n Early Morning time Late Evening time 13SMA Solar Technology 1 3 STUCO Solar Storage Graphical user interface FSC 10 hours and 21 minutes in Diesel-Off Mode 100 Solar Power and 3.38 MW PV 14SMA Solar Technology 1 4 Solar and storage in statia technical overview GRID FORMING BATTERY INVERTERS Day operation without Diesel Generators Diesel-Off-Mode Full redundancy for generator operation large UPS in Diesel-On-Mode ➢ Voltage source ➢ Frequency regulation ➢ Spinning Reserve Provision ➢ Synchronisation Diesel On- Mode Diesel Off-Mode Estimated fuel savings 1 728 000 liters/a Solar Energy Produced net 6,4 GWh /a CO2 savings 4,561 to CO²/a Used PV energy 6 494 547 kWh Solar energy fraction Min 45 St. Eustatius II 15SMA Solar Technology 1 5 Typical day with beautiful Weather in Statia PV on sunrise begins reducing fuel consumption Genset at minimum load. Battery begins to charge Battery energy sufficient for some minutes of genset-off ➔ Automatic transition to genset-off Solar output drops – battery covers missing energy Battery depleted ➔ Automatic transition to genset-on 16SMA Solar Technology 1 6 Typical cloudy day in Statia 17SMA Solar Technology 1 7 Frequency response on cloudy days Phase 1 Active power and frequency on 11.04.2016 Phase 2 Active power and frequency on 14.04.2018 18SMA Solar Technology 1 8 Normal Frequency Stability in Diesel Off Mode Operation Frequency bandwith of 0,013Hz 60,005 Hz 59,992 Hz 19SMA Solar Technology STUCO Solar Storage– RESILIENCY summary Withstand Hurricane Cat 5 forces at 5°solar panel angle Energy lost from 15 to 5 degrees 1.04 but land saved 33, spacing between rows reduced from 3 meters to 1 meter Design to coexist with agriculture, minimum height 2m Agriculture enhanced by water catchment provision – about 2.6 Mio liters per year Maximization of Renewable Energy injection min 45 Maintenance costs for conventional generators drastically reduced Grid stability, frequency and voltage, enhanced during load steps Grid faults effectively cleared with grid forming inverter, 40A 3-phase at 12.5kV in 300msec 30min to shut down and protect system prior to approaching system and 1hour to re-activate system after passing hurricane 20SMA Solar Technology Agenda 1 2 3 SMA GROUP AND SMA SUNBELT IN A NUTSHELL SELECTED REFRENCES 100 DIESEL FREE OPERATION IN CARIBBEAN ISLANDS 21SMA Solar Technology Frequency response services – grid connected battery Langenreichenbach, Germany 2 1 SMA system solutions for grid-connected systems SMA System Technology 9 x SCS 1900 and 9 x MVPS 1900 Plant Control and SCADA System Engineering, Technical Design, Consulting, Simulation and Sizing Plant information 10 MW PRL Primärregelleistung qualified battery system combined with Lead Acid batteries Serves for frequency regulation at the grid via demand power/storage supply and provision of reactive power Project Location Bennewitz, Germany Commissioning June 2018 SMA‘ s large scale on-grid project is a 16 MW / 10 MW prequalified PRL Primärregelleistung – Frequency response system. The system will be installed within a substation and connected at 33 kV to provide grid stability. The project uses lead acid batteries and is the first of a series of project of the same type. 22SMA Solar Technology Frequency response services – grid connected battery Pelham, United Kingdom 2 2 SMA system solutions for grid-connected systems SMA System Technology 26 SMA Sunny Central Storage 2475 with noise reduction packages 26 Medium Voltage Block 2475 7 Customized SMA E-houses SMA Power Plant Controller EMS Plant information Installed battery power 64 MVA Installed battery storage 50 MWh of Li-Ion NMC batteries for frequency regulation Connected at 132 kV Project Location Pelham, UK Commissioning November 2017 The main application of the project is the capacity market and frequency response services but also features other applications like Triads management and reactive power provision. This project is the largest battery project in the European Union in a single location till date. The complete project timeline from contract signature till commissioning was reached within 5,5 months 23SMA Solar Technology Storage Application for Grid Ancillary Services 24 MW grid connected battery, Korea 2 3 SMA system solutions for grid-connected systems SMA System Technology 24 SMA Sunny Central Storage SCS 1000 DC and AC Engineering, Technical Design, Consulting, Simulation and Sizing Turnkey delivery Plant information 24 MW battery system combined with Li-Ion batteries from a Korean manufacturer Serves for frequency regulation at the grid via demand power/storage supply and provision of reactive power Project Location KEPCO power grid, Korea. Several locations Commissioning Q1 2016 SMA‘ s large scale on-grid storage system can provide the grid management services needed to secure grid operations even without conventional power plants. It can take on the frequency- dependent control of active power feed-in, stabilize the voltage with reactive power supply and help re- establish supply after grid failure. Transmission losses and complicated grid congestion management can therefore be avoided just as costly grid infrastructure investments can. 24SMA Solar Technology Storage Application in Grid Ancillary Services M5BAT, Aachen, Germany 2 4 SMA system solutions for grid-connected systems SMA System Technology 12 SMA Sunny Central Storage SCS630 Implementation of different battery technology interface and operation sequence Plant information Installed battery power 6.25MW in 5 different sub-plant 1.25MW each. Each sub-plant contains different battery technology Li-Ion, Lead acid, and NaNiCl Project Location Aachen, Germany Commissioning Q3 2015 Collaboration with E.ON Energy Research Center at RWTH Aachen University E.ON, Exide and Beta Motion. The world’s first modular, large-scale battery storage system with a capacity of 6.25 MW is being built in Aachen, Germany. The Modular Multi-Mega-watt Multi- Technology Medium Volt-age Battery Storage M5BAT project will focus on the following areas integrating renewable energy sources, testing the decentralized supply of control power to stabilize grid operation, and facilitating electricity trading at competitive prices. 25SMA Solar Technology Large scale island electrification with PV, diesel and storage St. Eustatius, NL Antilles 2 5 SMA system solutions for hybrid applications Plant information Installed PV power 1,89 MWp Installed Storage 1 MW, 570kWh Diesel Capacity 4 MVA Annual energy yield 3.200 MWh Annual diesel savings 850.000 liters Project Location Dutch Caribbean, Island of St. Eustatius Commissioning 2016 Specific requirements Exposure to salty air and hurricanes, fast cloud movement SMA Sunbelt Energy GmbH System design, simulation and engineering Procurement and delivery of entire control and storage system Commissioning and consulting during operation Today the solar plant covers 23 of the island’s total energy requirement. The main challenge was the grid stability due to fast power fluctuations related to cloud movement. SMA Sunbelt integrated a Li-Ion storage facility to absorb such fluctuations, provide energy shifting and frequency stability functionalities also at night time. The observed solar fraction reaches 88 at midday. 26SMA Solar Technology Island electrification by combining PV, batteries and diesel Saba, NL Antilles 2 6 SMA system solutions for hybrid applications SMA System Technology SMA Fuel Save Controller 1 SMA Sunny Central Storage 800 34 Sunny Tripower 25000TL-30 Plant information Installed PV power 1,142 MWp Installed battery power 800 kW Installed battery storage 393 kWh Project Location Saba, Caribbean NL Commissioning November 2017 The PV-diesel-battery plant is presently in its final stages on the island of Saba, located in the Caribbean. The power application battery plant is designed for the ramp rate control for the 1,142 MWp PV plant. The battery system has been designed to allow for a second phase expected for 2018. 27SMA Solar Technology Hybrid energy supply for an urban area Cobija, Bolivia 2 7 SMA system solutions for hybrid applications SMA System Technology SMA Fuel Save Solution incorporates the SMA Fuel Save Controller 6 SMA Sunny Central SC800CP-XT 4 SMA Sunny Central Storage SCS630 Plant information Installed PV power 5,2 MW Installed battery power 2,2 MW Annual yield 7,500 MWh Diesel generator rating 15,2 MVA Annual diesel savings Approx. 1,900,000 liters Project Location Cobija, Bolivia Commissioning December 2014 The world’s largest PV-diesel hybrid power plant system with battery storage was commissioned in December 2014, in the Bolivian province of Pando. Thanks to the SMA Fuel Save Solution a reduction in fuel consumption of approx. 1.9 Mio liters per year can be reached. 28SMA Solar Technology Grid ancillary services in western Australia 2 8 SMA system solutions for hybrid applications SMA System Technology SMA Fuel Save Solution incorporates the SMA Fuel Save Controller 1 SMA Sunny Central Storage SCS 500 Plant information Installed battery power 500 kW Battery capacity EOL 1250 kWh Battery technology Li-Ion Project Location Western Australia Commissioning Q4 2015 The grid in Western Australia is weak and due to the increased penetration of renewables requires further support. Thanks to SMA’s technology, the 500kW/1250 kWh Battery Energy Storage System BESS provides ancillary services to the local utility and enhances grid stability 29SMA Solar Technology 上海市浦 东 新区世 纪 大道 11198号 一座 17层 1707室 www.sma-china.com Email Chen.jiansma-solar.com Mob 86-185 213 960 91 艾思 玛 太阳能技 术 (上海)有限公司 Thank You
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