精曜科技高效异质结HJT电池 量产关键设备-PECVD与RPD
XIAMEN UNIVERSITY PECVD 法 制备石墨 烯纳米片及其在太 阳能电池中应用 PECVD produced graphene nanoflakes and relevant application in solar cells Guanhua lin(林冠华), Yazhou Qu, Bin Guo, and Qijin Cheng 程其进) College of Energy, Xiamen University, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, 361005, P . R. China. 2016.11.26, 12th CSPV , Jiaxing CONTENT 3 2 1 Basic properties of graphene Review of graphene-silicon solar cells Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 4 Conclusion I. Basic properties of graphene Molecular structure of graphene High resolution TEM images of graphene Graphene, a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp 2 -bonded carbon atoms that are densely packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. Fig.2 Unqiue properties of graphene I. Basic properties of graphene 2.1 The working principle of graphene-silicon solar cell Fig1 The working principle of Schottky junction II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.2 A typical structure of graphene-silicon solar cell n-Si absorb light GS a、p-type semiconductor b、transparent conductive electrode Fig.2 A typical structure of graphene-silicon solar cell II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.3 The advantage of graphene-silicon solar cell I. low power consumption II. low purity of silicon materials III.low cost IV.high PCE of GS solar cell II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.4 The reasons of restriction to promote PCE of GS solar cell I.The schottky barrier of GS(0.55eV) is far lower than the band gap of silicon1.12eV bigger reverse saturation current and lower open circuit voltage II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.4 The reasons of restriction to promote PCE of GS solar cell II.Large interface recombination between Si and graphene Isc、Voc、FF . II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.4 The reasons of restriction to promote PCE of GS solar cell III.The sheet resisitance of graphene is far higher than crystalline silicon emitter sheet resistance series resistance FF . II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.5. The way to promote PCE of GS solar cell 2.5.1 Chemical doping of graphene a 、SOCl 2 or HNO 3 doping of graphene a b Li Xinming,Xie Dan,Park H,et al.Ion doping of graphene for high-efficiencyheterojunction solar cells[J].Nanoscale,2013,5 1945-1948. I. series resistance II. the improvement of the Schottky junction II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.5.1 Chemical doping of graphene b 、Nanoparticle doping of graphene a b Xie Chao,Zhang Xiujuan,Ruan Kaiqun,et al.High-efficiency,air stable graphene/Si micro-hole array Schottky junction solar cells[J].J.Mater.Chem.A,2013,1 15348-15354 p-type doping of graphene II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.5.2 Interface passivation a 、Inorganic interfacial layers I. low interface recombination II. hole and electron-extraction material K.J. Jiao, X. L. Wang,Y. Wang, Y. F. Chen, J. Mater.Chem.C 2014,2, 7715. II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.5.2 Interface Passivation a b b 、Native interfacial layers Y . Song, X. M.Li, C. Mackin,X. Zhang, Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 2104 I. tunnel through the barrier II. recombine with electrons under illumination hole II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 2.5.3 Nanostructure design for light trapping (a ) (b ) I. low surface recombination II. the enhanced light absorption J sc II. Review of graphene-silicon solar cells 3.1 The preparation methods of graphene Mechanical exfoliation Graphene oxide reduction Chemical vapor deposition SiC epitaxial growth method III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 3.2 The disadvantages of graphene grown on CVD I. Graphene need to be transfered to the target substrates for further applicationns II. The growth temperature is far too high III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 3.3 Direct growth of graphene on Si substrates through PECVD Fig.1 RF-plasma enhanced horizontal tube furnace III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells Main advantages A lower substrate temperature A higher deposition rate Without using any catalyst Fig.2 aThe experimental flow chart ;bRaman spectra of graphene grown on Si substrates varying from different temperature Temperature ℃ Heating Cooling Growth of graphene I4A ; Time4min Temperature800-950 ℃ Time min III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 3.4 The experimental results a b 40sccm Ar 10sccm CH4 e e f g h h 3.4 The experimental results Fig.3a-d Raman maps of the D-band/G-band and e-f corresponding SAED patterns of graphene grown on Si substrates varying from 800 ℃to 950 ℃ III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECV and relevant application in solar cells 800 ℃ 850 ℃ 900 ℃ 950 ℃ 800 ℃ 850 ℃ 900 ℃ 950 ℃ Fig.4a-d Raman maps of the 2D-band/G-band and e-h HRTEM images of graphene grown on Si substrates varying from 800 ℃to 950 ℃ 3.4 The experimental results III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 800 ℃ 850 ℃ 900 ℃ 950 ℃ 800 ℃ 850 ℃ 900 ℃ 950 ℃ III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 800 ℃ 850 ℃ 900 ℃ 950 ℃ 800 ℃ 850 ℃ 900 ℃ 950 ℃ Fig.5 SEM images of graphene grown on Si substrates varying from 800 ℃to 950 ℃ J. Wu, Y . Shao, B. Wang, K. Ostrikov, J. Feng, and Q. J. Cheng, Plasma Process. Polym. 2016 DOI 10.1002/ppap.201600029. 3.4 The experimental results Fig.6 a Optical transmittance spectra of graphene grown on quartz substrates and b sheet resistance as a function of growth time a b III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 3.4 The experimental results Fig.7 Fabrication process of TiO2-G-Si solar cells III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells 3.4 The experimental results Fig.8 a J-V characteristics of an as-fabricated G-Si solar cell and after TiO2 coating,respectively. b IPCE curves of a solar cell after different treatment step in pristine state G-Si ,after TiO2 coating,respectively. a b 6.1 3.5 III. Graphene nanoflakes prepared by PECVD and relevant application in solar cells IV. Conclusion We provide a new way to produce graphene directly grown on the Si substrates for the application of solar cells. Optimizing the thickness of anti-reflection coatings to achieve minimizing reflection for higher PCE. 1. J. Wu, Y . Shao, B. Wang, K. Ostrikov, J. Feng, and Q. J. Cheng, Plasma Process. Polym. 2016 DOI 10.1002/ppap.201600029. 2. Q. J. Cheng and K. Ostrikov, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 124310 2014. 3. Q. J. Cheng and K. Ostrikov, ChemPhysChem 13, 1535 2012. 4. Q. J. Cheng and K. Ostrikov, CrystEngComm 13, 3455 2011. 5. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, J. Mater. Chem. 20, 5853 2010. 6. Q. J. Cheng, E. Tam, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Nanoscale 2, 594 2010. 7. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Acta Mater. 58, 560 2010. 8. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, S. Y . Huang, and K. Ostrikov, Cryst. Growth Des. 9, 2863 2009. 9. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, J. Mater. Chem. 19, 5134 2009 Cover Image. 10. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, Nanotechnology 20, 215606 2009. 11.Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, and K. Ostrikov, J. Phys. Chem. C 113, 14759 2009. 12. Q. J. Cheng, S. Xu, J. W. Chai, S. Y . Huang, Y . P. Ren, J. D. Long, P. P. Rutkevych, and K. Ostrikov, Thin Solid Films 516, 5991 2008. For further details please email Qijin.Chengxmu.edu.cn CONTENT 谢谢聆听 Thank you for your attention
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