GB∕T 36568-2018 光伏方阵检修规程
GBT 32512-2016 光伏发电站防雷技术要求
T_CESA 1209-2022 光伏组件可回收利用率计算方法
T_CPIA 0027-2020 光伏企业绿色供应链管理规范
NBT 32045-2018 光伏发电站直流发电系统设计规范_2
DOC NO PS-M-0486 REVA Page 1 of 8 光伏组件运维白皮书 White Paper for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维白皮书 Foreword 前言 Along with the continuous development of the PV technology, new types of PV modules are being launched constantly, involving the maintenance for modules during their operation on the site of the PV power station so as to maintain their performance and service life. This White Paper aims to explain the maintenance for Trina’s PV modules in system application for the reference by a PV system application client. 随 着 光 伏 技 术 的 不 断 发 展 , 光 伏 组 件 类 型 的 不 断 推 陈 出 新 , 涉 及 到 光 伏 电 站 现 场 运 行 时 组 件 的 维 护 保 养 , 保 持 性 能 和 寿 命 , 本 白 皮 书 旨 在 说 明 天 合 光 伏 组 件 的 在 系 统 应 用 中 的 维护保养,供光伏系统应用端参考使用。 White Paper for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维白皮书 DOC NO PS-M-0486 REVA Page 2 of 8 Contents 目录 1. Significance of PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维的意 义 .3 1.1 Function of PV Modules 光伏组件的作用 .3 1.2 Basis for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光 伏组件运维 依据 .3 2. Applicable Module type 适用的组件类型 3 3. Operation actually the certification which the relevant module passes at that time shall be based on; and the Technical Specification for Performance Inspection and Quality Assessment for PV Power Station Connected to Grid and the Working Regulations on Electrical Safety shall be followed. 依据组件的安装手册,质保书,参数表,光伏组件的系认证标准,各类型组件白皮书,用户手册, 相关产品认证标准,如IEC61730,IEC61215 和 2004 UL1703,实际以当时组件通过的认证为准, 并遵循并网光伏电站性能检测与质量评估技术规范和电业安全工作规程。 2. Applicable Modules type 适 用 的 组 件 类 型 Applicable to common frame modules, dul-glass modules, optimizer modules. 主要适用于普通边框组件,双玻组件,优化器组件等。 3. Operation Chloride or salinity 0 - 3,000 mg/L 氯化物或盐分含量(Chloride and Salinity) 0 - 3,000 mg/L Turbidity 0-30 NTU 浑 浊 度 (Turbidity) 0-30 NTU Specific conductance 15003000 μs/cm 电导率(Specific conductance) 15003000 μs/cm Total dissolved solids TDS ≤1000 mg/L 总溶解固体(Total dissolved solids TDS)≤1000 mg/L Water hardnesscalcium and magnesium ions 0-40 mg/L 水硬度(Water Hardnesscalcium and magnesium ions)0-40 mg/L Non-alkaline water shall be used or otherwise softened water shall be used when the relevant conditions are met. 必须采用非碱性水,具备条件时应使用软化水。 3.2.2 Notes for Cleaning of PV Modules 光伏组件清洗注意事项 (1 Dry or wet clean soft cloth shall be used to wipe a PV module and the use of corrosive solvent or a hard object is strictly prohibited. To brush it lightly first, scrape it then and clean it finally shall be followed. 应 使 用 干 燥 或 潮 湿 的 柔 软 洁 净 的 布 料 擦 拭 光 伏 组 件 , 严 禁 使 用 腐 蚀 性 溶 剂 或 用 硬 物 擦 拭 光 伏 组 件 ; 应 该 做 到 一 掸 二 刮 三 清 洗 ; (2 A PV module shall be cleaned when the irradiance is lower than 200W/m2; to clean a PV module with liquid whose temperature greatly differs from that of the module is not recommended. 应在辐照度低于 200W/m2 的情况下清洁光伏组件,不宜使用与组件温差较大的液体清洗组件; (3 A PV module shall not be cleaned under a meteorological condition where the wind power is higher than Beaufort Force 4 or there is heavy rain or snow. 严禁在风力大于 4 级、大雨或大雪的气象条件下清洗光伏组件; (4 The temperature difference between the cleaning water for a PV module and the module shall not be higher than 10℃. No cleaning shall be allowed when the ambient temperature is lower than 5℃ so as to prevent the glass of the PV module from being frost-cracked. White Paper for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维白皮书 DOC NO PS-M-0486 REVA Page 5 of 8 光 伏 组 件 清 洁 使 用 水 与 组 件 温 差 不 大 于 10℃ 。 环 境 温 度 低 于 5℃ 时 不 得 清 洗 , 以 免 光 伏 板 玻 璃 冻裂; (5 When cleaning is done with pressurized water, the water pressure on the glass surface of a module shall not exceed 0.7 MPa and the module is not allowed to suffer from additional external force. 压力水流清洗时,组件玻璃表面的水压不得超过 0.7 兆帕,组件严禁承受额外的外力; (6 When there is a hard foreign matter on a PV module, it shall be removed with a yarn ball with medium hardness; and for scraping, the use of a highly-hard device shall be prohibited, to avoid scratching or damaging the glass surface. 光 伏 组 件 上 有 硬 性 异 物 , 使 用 中 等 硬 度 的 纱 球 进 行 去 除 , 禁 止 使 用 高 硬 度 的 器 物 进 行 刮 擦 。 划 伤 或 损 坏 玻 璃 表 面 ; (7 When there is a substance which is hard to clean, on the surface of a PV module, such as greasy dirt, frictionless neutral liquid cleanser shall be used and any organic solution cleanser is prohibited. 光伏组件表面有油污等难清洁物质,使用无摩擦的中性液体清洁剂,禁止使用有机溶液清洁剂; (8 To prevent a shock hazard, a PV module with broken glass or an exposed cable shall not be cleaned. 为防止电击危险,不得清洁玻璃破碎的光伏组件或暴露在外的线缆; During cleaning of a PV module, the module shall not be treaded on; the running water shall not scatter to any cable or the back of the module; the back of the module shall not be cleaned; a connector shall keep clean and dry to prevent electric shock and fire risk; the usage of a steam cleaner shall be prohibited. 光 伏 组 件 清 洁 工 作 中 , 严 禁 踩 踏 组 件 、 严 禁 流 水 溅 射 至 组 件 背 面 和 电 缆 , 严 禁 清 洁 组 件 背 面 , 要 保 证 连 接 头 的 清 洁 和 干 燥 , 防 止 电 击 和 火 灾 危 险 ; 严 禁 使 用 蒸 汽 清 洁 器 ; (9 A module shall not be cleaned with any organic solution cleanser. 严禁使用有机溶剂清洗组件; (10 No tool or material which may cause scratch to the surface of a module shall be used. 严禁使用会对组件表面造成划伤的工具和材料; (11 When the snow on the surface of a module is being removed, all the snow on the PV module shall be removed with a mop slightly. A mottled situation where some places are covered by snow while some are not on a PV module shall be avoided. Forced removal of frost and snow ice shall be prohibited so as not to damage the surface glass of the module. 清除光伏组件表面的积雪时,用拖布轻轻清除光伏组件上所有积雪。避免光伏组件上出现“部分 White Paper for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维白皮书 DOC NO PS-M-0486 REVA Page 6 of 8 有雪部分没雪”的斑状现象。严禁强行清理冰霜和冻雪,防止损坏组件表面玻璃; (12 After cleaning, a PV module shall have no dust or dirt retained on the glass surface of the module. 清洁后光伏组件玻璃表面要求无积尘、无污垢; 3.2.3 Inspection over PV Module after Cleaning 清洁后光伏组件的检查 (1 The overall appearance of the module shall keep clean and bright, without any dirt, through visual inspection 目视组件整体外观清洁、明亮,无污渍; (2 A sampling inspection shall be done to confirm whether there is any dust retained on the surface of the module. 抽样检查组件表面是否有积灰存在; (3 The surface shall be touched by hand slightly to confirm whether there is any foreign matter untreated. 用手轻轻触摸表面是否有异物未处理干净; (4 Whether the cell module is completely clean shall be judged on the basis of the generating capacity. 根据发电量判断电池组件是否完全清洗干净; (5 There shall be no obvious scratch on the surface of the cell module. 电池组件表面无明显的刮伤痕迹; (6 There shall be no man-made fracture phenomena on the surface of the module. 组件表面无人为造成的破裂现象; (7 Whether the rack of the module is inclined or bent shall be checked after cleaning. 清洗后组件支架有无倾斜、弯曲现象; (8 Whether the road in the PV array area is level shall be checked. 光伏方阵区道路是否平整; (9 Whether any terminal of the cell module falls off shall be inspected. 电池组件接线端子是否有脱落的现象等; (10 After the PV module is cleaned, the written record about the cleaning of the PV module shall be made. 光伏组件清洗完后,完成光伏组件清洗文字记录。 White Paper for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维白皮书 DOC NO PS-M-0486 REVA Page 7 of 8 3.3 Removal of Vegetation in PV Array Area 光伏方阵区植被清理 3.3.1 Matters to Be Noted During Removal of Vegetation in PV Array Area 光伏方阵区 植被清理注意事项 (1 During the removal of the vegetation in the PV area, the Working Regulations on Electrical Safety as well as the provisions and the systems of the provincial grid company, concerning safe production, shall be observed, so as to ensure personal safety and the safety of the PV module system and protect the environment. 光 伏 植 被 清 理 过 程 中 , 须 遵 守 电 业 安 全 工 作 规 程 及 省 电 网 公 司 安 全 生 产 有 关 规 定 、 制 度 , 确 保 人 身 及 光 伏 组 件 系 统 的 安 全 , 并 保 护 好 环 境 ; (2 When a vegetation inhibitor is sprayed, this drug shall employ any component which may not corrode or oxidize the module system. 如果使用植被抑制剂喷洒,药品应采用不含腐蚀、氧化组件系统成分; (3 No removal of vegetation before or behind the module, which may cover the module, shall be done when the wind power is higher than Beaufort Force 4. 严禁在风力大于 4 级条件下清理组件前后会造成组件遮挡的植被; (4 The removed vegetation shall be taken out of the PV array area for treatment. 清理后植被应带出光伏方阵区处理; 3.3.2 Inspection after Removal of Vegetation 植被清理后检查 (1 The vegetation pile shall not be higher than 5cm. It shall be confirmed that the light receiving face of the module is not covered by vegetation, through visual inspection. 植被桩高不得高于 5cm。目视组件受光面无植被遮挡; (2 It shall be confirmed that the light receiving face of the module is not covered by vegetation, through visual inspection. 目 视 组 件 受 光 面 无 植 被 遮 挡 ; (3 V egetation shall not be grubbed. 植被不得除根; (4 The site where removal is done shall keep clean and the PV module shall have no scratch. 清除现场干净,光伏组件无刮痕; (5 After the vegetation in the PV array area is removed, the written record about the cleaning of the PV module shall be finished. White Paper for PV Modules Operation and Maintenance 光伏组件运维白皮书 DOC NO PS-M-0486 REVA Page 8 of 8 光伏方阵区植被清理后,完成光伏组件清理文字记录; 3.4 Tour Inspection over PV Array 光伏方阵巡查 (1 Regular tour inspections shall be carried out on the array area of a PV power station to check whether there is any damage of the PV module, such as broken glass, broken back sheet, twisted or deformed frame, cable broken by the teeth of animal, falling-off connector, or damaged junction box; and the PV module shall be replaced in time. 应 定 期 巡 查 光 伏 电 站 方 阵 区 , 查 看 光 伏 组 件 是 否 有 损 坏 , 如 玻 璃 破 碎 , 背 板 破 碎 , 边 框 扭 曲 变 形 , 线 缆 被 动 物 啃 咬 破 皮 , 连 接 头 是 否 脱 落 , 接 线 盒 是 否 损 坏 等 情 况 发 生 , 并 及 时 进 行 光 伏 组 件更换; (2 Whether the ground vegetation covers the PV module shall be checked and the removal of vegetation shall be organized in a timely way. 查看地面植被是否存在遮挡光伏组件现在,并及时组织植被清理; (3 For others, the regulations of the relevant system integrator, concerning professional power station operation and maintenance, shall be followed. 其它遵照系统集成商关于专业电站运维管理规定执行; 4. 结 语 Conclusion As the operation of a PV module in the PV system is related to the generating capacity of a PV power station, good maintenance shall be provided for the PV module. Trina Solar will do continuous research and monitoring on the basis of the development of new products and technologies as well as update the White Paper when appropriate. 光 伏 组 件 在 光 伏 系 统 中 的 运 行 情 况 关 系 到 光 伏 电 站 的 发 电 量 产 出 , 因 此 需 要 对 光 伏 组 件 进 行 良 好 的 维 护 保 养 。 天 合 光 能 会 持 续 不 断 进 行 根 据 新 产 品 新 技 术 的 发 展 , 不 断 研 究 和 监 控 , 并 在 适 宜 时 候 更 新 该 白 皮 书 。 The right to interpret this White Paper shall belong to Trina. 该白皮书解释权归属天合。 December 2016 2016 年 12 月
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