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12D18 太阳能光伏系统设计及安装--天津市建筑标准设计图集(2012版).pdf
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Quality requirement from continuous release of IEC standards 从 IEC新标准集中发布谈组件质量之要求 TÜV NORD China 缪存星 / Roger Miao 2 TÜV NORD作为一家世界领先 的服务供应商,大中华区在过 去的十年间坚持一贯为所有客 户提供高水准的服务。 APPLICATION ENVIRONMENT/组件应用环境 3 1500V IEC TC82/WG2 4 SMB TC1 TC2 TC82 WG1 WG2 WG3 Solar photovoltaic energy systems IEC TC82/WG2 5 术语 Glossary WG1 光伏组件 非聚光 Modules, non- concentrating WG2 光伏系统 System WG3 平衡系统部件 BoS components WG6 聚光光伏组件 Concentrator modules WG7 光伏 电池 PV cells WG8 农村电气化 rural electrification and hybrid systems JWG1 IEC 新标准 – 十年磨一剑 IEC NEW STANDARDS – 10 YEAR’S PREPARATION 6 IEC 61215/ IEC61730 标准 IEC 61215 Edition 1 1993 Edition 2 2005 Edition 1.0 2016 IEC 61730-1 Edition 12004 amendment 1 2011 amendment 2 2013 Edition 2.0 2016 IEC 61730-2 Edition 12004 amendment 1 2011 Edition 2.0 2016 7 新旧标准结构 COMPARISON OF STANDARDS 8 Part 1 – General requirement/通用要求 Part 2 – testing/测试 IEC62915-TS – 重测导则 -技术规范 Part 1-1 C-Si/晶硅 Part 1-2 CdTe/碲化镉 Part 1-3 amorphous/非晶微晶硅 Part 1-4 CIGS/铜铟硒 /铜铟镓硒 Part 1-x 新的技术 – e.g. 有机电池 . . . IEC 61215 Ed 2 要求 IEC 61215 Ed 2 测试 IEC 61646 Ed 2 要求 IEC 61646 Ed 2 测试 重测导则 -CTL决议 Existing version/ 目前版本 New version/新版 本 IEC 612152016 9 Special requirement in nameplate/ 铭牌要求 Initial Stabilization / 初始稳定性 Verification of rated label values → Gate No. 1 / 铭牌电性能 参数判定 Gate 1 Maximum power degradation during type approval testing → Gate No. 2 / 在型式试验中的最大功率衰减 Gate 2 Static mechanical load test / 静态机械载荷设计负载 IEC 61730-12016 从 IEC横向标准中引入光伏组件相关的主要概念 following significant technical changes 绝缘配合 ( Insulation coordination) 过电压类别 ( Overvoltage category) 应用等级 application 污染等级 PD 材料组别 MG 爬电距离( Creepage Distance),电气间隙( Creepage Distance)和绝缘穿 透距离( Distance through insulation) 10 IEC 61730-12016 11 po llu tio n de gr ee Distances in mm 35 V DC a,d 100 V DC a 150 V DC a 300 V DC a 600 V DC a 1 000 V DC a 1 500 V DC a cl cr cl cr cl cr cl cr cl cr cl cr cl cr Material group Material group Material group Material group Material group Material group Material group Between I II III I II III I II III I II III I II III I II III I II III 1a Internal live parts and outer accessible surfaces 1 0,5 b, c 0,4 1,5 b 0,5 3,0 b 0,6 5,5 b 1,4 8,0 b 3,4 14,0 b 6,4 19,4 b 10,4 2 1,2 1,7 2,4 1,4 2,0 2,8 1,6 2,2 3,1 3,0 4,2 6,0 6,1 8,6 12,0 10,0 14,2 20,0 15,0 20,8 30,0 3 3,0 3,4 3,8 3,6 4,0 4,4 3,9 4,3 4,9 7,5 8,5 9,4 15,2 17,1 19,1 25,0 28,0 32,0 37,7 41,7 47,1 1b Thickness of thin layers see - 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,06 0,15 0,3 2 Live parts of different potential inside a PV module 1 0,1 0,2 0,5 b, c 0,3 1,5 b 0,3 3,0 b 0,7 5,5 b 1,7 8,0 b 3,2 11,0 b 5,2 2 0,2 0,6 1,0 1,2 0,7 1,0 1,4 0,8 1,1 1,6 1,5 2,1 3,0 3,0 4,3 6,0 5,0 7,1 10,0 7,5 10,4 15,0 3 0,8 1,5 1,7 1,9 1,8 2,0 2,2 2,0 2,2 2,5 3,8 4,2 4,7 7,6 8,6 9,5 12,5 14,0 16,0 18,9 20,9 23,6 3 Terminals of different polarity of rewireable junction boxes 1 0,5 b, c 0,4 1,5 b 0,5 3,0 b 0,6 5,5 b 1,4 8,0 b 3,4 14,0 b 6,4 19,4 b 10,4 2 1,2 1,7 2,4 1,4 2,0 2,8 1,6 2,2 3,1 3,0 4,2 6,0 6,1 8,6 12,0 10,0 14,2 20,0 15,0 20,8 30,0 3 3,0 3,4 3,8 3,6 4,0 4,4 3,9 4,3 4,9 7,5 8,5 9,4 15,2 17,1 19,1 25,0 28,0 32,0 37,7 41,7 47,1 4 Distance through cemented joints - 0,2 0,3 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 3,5 a For lines 1a, 1b, 3 and 4 the relevant voltage which is applicable shall be the system voltage. For line 2 the working voltage between parts of different potential at STC is relevant. All values given in this table are rounded to one digit from IEC 60664-1. b If a measured clearance is smaller than the minimum required clearance an impulse voltage test as specified in IEC 60664-1shall show that the distance is adequate. To assess clearances between internal live parts and outer accessible surfaces IEC 61730-2, MST 14 may be applied. c This value is increased to 0,8 mm for pollution degree 3. d For designs where working voltage is below 20 V values directly from IEC 60664-1 can be applied IEC 61730-22016 12 IEC61730- 2-安全测试 要求 环境老化测试 /stress tests 常规检查 /inspection test 电击危害试验 /Electrical shock hazard tests 火灾试验 /Fire hazard tests 机械性能测试 /Mechanical stress tests IEC61730-2-新增测试序列 B NEW TEST SEQUENCE B 13 湿冻 HF10 UV60kWh/m2 湿冻 HF10 UV60kWh/m2 湿热 DH 200h 测试序列 B 新增的测试序列,各种环境老化测试交替, 尤其突出了紫外测试,较之前增加很多, 测试周期加长 Added PV module test sequence with moisture and UV to stress polymers IEC61730-2-污染等级 1测试 APPLICABILITY OF PD1 14 测试序列 B1 如果宣称或者需要验证组件是否能达到污染等级 1的要求,需要单 独 1片组件通过序列 B1的测试。 B1序列如右图。 This test is to evaluate a PV module for applicability of Pollution Degree PD1 低温处理 cold conditioningMST55 依据标准 standards IEC 60068-2-1中的条件 Ab 温度 /时间条件 condition -40 C ± 3 °C, 48 h 干热处理 dry heat conditioningMST56 依据标准 standards IEC 60068-2-2中的条件 Ab 温度 /时间条件 condition 105 C ± 5 °C, 湿度小于 50, 200h 通过了 B1序列的测试,满足 PD1的要求,组件设计可以按 照 PD1的条件 光伏组件系统电压 1500VDC Module with 1500VDC system voltage 15 TÜV认证 IEC标准 1000V TÜV认证 IEC标准 1500V 户外工作连续摆劢 - 劢态机械载荷 DYNAMIC MECHANICAL LOAD IEC TS 627822016 Dynamic Mechanical Load Testing for Photovoltaic PV Modules 光伏组件的动态机械载荷测试来验证组件在动载之后的性能 评估太阳能电池和焊带在 DML下是否容易破裂或拉断 评估组件在 DML下其电气连接性(通小电流)。 评估组件在 DML下其硅胶是否会断裂 To evaluate if components within the module including solar cells, interconnect ribbons and/or electrical bonds within the module are susceptible to Breakage or if edge seals are likely to fail due to the mechanical stresses encountered during installation and operation 测试条件和流程 TESTING PROCEDURE Visual power insulation wet leakage EL, Perform an IR scan Dynamic mechanical load Apply the dynamic mechanical load and cycle it 1000 times using a maximum pressure of ± 1000 Pa and a rate of 3 to 7 cycles per minute Visual power insulation wet leakage EL, Perform an IR scan Initial Measurements Final Measurements 劢态机械载荷要求 CONDITION 18 应小于等于 20cm 应小于等于 20cm 为了保证组件受力效果均匀,均匀垂直中心载荷点之间的最大距离及到组件 边缘距离应小于等于 20厘米 The maximum perpendicular distance between the module frame and an evenly loaded point shall also be 20 cm or less, as well as center-to-center distance between evenly loaded points. 18 大冰雹冰球冲击 larger size of hail impact test 目的 purpose 测试和评价组件受大尺寸冰雹的影响 withstanding the impact of hailstones. 标准 standard 测试依据 IEC 61215 Diameter( mm) Mass g Speedm/s 25 7.53 23.6 35 20.7 27.2 45 43.9 30.7 55 80.2 33.9 25mm 35mm 45mm 工厂到现场 - 模拟运输 From factory to on-site - Transportation 20 20 After TC200 Before delivery 工厂到现场 - 模拟运输 From factory to on-site - Transportation 21 工厂到现场 - 模拟运输 From factory to on-site - Transportation 22 包装问题令人触目惊心 工厂到现场 - 模拟运输 From factory to on-site - Transportation Introduction of PV module and Component – PV Division 23 目的 评价通过完整的包装组件单元在一个连续变化的环境里受到的影响来模拟 运输环境。 Simulation of transportation of complete package units of modules and combined subsequence environmental impacts. 标准 IEC 62759-12015 -Photovoltaic PV modules-Transportation testing- Part 1 Transportation and shipping of module package units 光伏企业的 ”ISO 9001” IEC TS 629412016 24 Guideline for increased confidence in PV module design qualification and type approval- 光伏组件设计定型和型式试验的制造指南 光伏行业的 ISO9001 本质上, IEC62941是一个质量管理体系要求的技术规范,大部分基 于 ISO9001,限定范围为光伏组件行业,但要求显著严于 ISO9001 ISO9001 IEC62941 10个过程 10 PROCESS OF IEC 62941 Introduction of PV module and Component – PV Division 25 Part A Customer Oriented Process 客户导向过程 01 Definition of customer requirements客户需求定义 02 Design and development 设计与开发 03 Product manufacture 产品生产 04 Customer support and service 客户支持与服务 Part B Support Process 支持过程 07 Logistic 物流 05 Documentation control 文件控制 06 Purchasing 采购 08 Monitoring and measurement of product and process 产品与过程的 监控和测量 09 Internal audit 内审 10 Improvement 持续改进 Customer Requirements 客户需求 Customer Satisfaction 客户满意 光伏企业的 ”ISO 9001” - IEC 629412016 26 标准在光伏组件的产品设计开发、产品认证,工艺过程控制、关键原材料管控、 采贩,产品测试监控,文件要求等方面提出了全面质量管理要求。 严格了产品发生变更时,测试认证的要求 ESD敏感材料和元件的识别、储存、加工、组装和装货全过程 ESD防护 设计和生产过程 FMEA方法 DFMEA, PFMEA in IEC60812及类似方法应用 组件功率测试要求,在诸如标准板、环境温度、测试方法、模拟器校准、不确 定度评估等方面提出了具体要求 组件铭牌标识要求,除了公差外,建议在铭牌或者 datasheet中标出测试不确定 度 原材料,产品,生产过程信息的可追溯性 MES, ERP, SAP等管理系统 一些工具的运用,例如 SPC, control plan, MSA, OCAP, 8D等 IEC 62941评审现场 ON-SITE ASSESSMENT 27 全球气候带 GLOBAL CLIMATIC ZONE 28 气候型组件分类 - IEC 62892 MODULE IN MULTIPLE CLIMATES AND APPLICATIONS 29 Visual inspection Max power determination Insulation test Wet leakage current test UVDHX TC50/HF10 Wet leakage current test Precondition Performance at STC 2 Modules 2 Modules 2 Modules TC 500 0.5kg weight PID62804 Draft 85°C / 85 RH, 96h -1000V Dynamic mechanical load Control 1 Module 环境 DH( X) 测试条件 UV 温带 T160°C RH85 X500h 30 kWh/m2 湿热 T180°C RH85 X1000h 30 kWh/m2 干热 T180°C RH40 X1000h 30 kWh/m2 30 型试测试 type approval 对比测试 comparison test 生命周期测试 useful life 加严测试 stress test 工艺管控 process control 供应商管控 supplier control 温带气候 temperate 湿热气候 damp-heat 干热气候 hot-dry 建模 modeling 失效机理 failure mechanism 失效模型 failure mode 光伏组件质量的持续提到 Continual improvement of PV module quality Quality 设计 /Design 生产 /production 数据采集 Data acquisition 失效分析 /failure analysis
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