» 32 » 15 ù È © / Vol. 32 No. 15 2008 M 8 Power System Technology Aug. 2008 ÓcI| 1000-3673 2008 15-0071-06 Ïms Ë| TN72 ÓDS M A Ð S} 470·40 s TÈ i©/ 8 ¿ñ opµ iÛ i ¿¿ µ 2vÐ È ÐýñÐýµ 2 8 É ì g 410082 A Survey on Distributed Generation and Its Networking Technology LIU Yang-hua WU Zheng-qiu TU You-qing HUANG Qing-yun LUO Hua-wei College of Electrical and Information Engineering Hunan University Changsha 410082 Hunan Province China ABSTRACT In this paper the history and present situation of the application of distributed generation resources DGRs and its networking technology are summarized in brief; the features of main DGRs, their latest development and application situation are presented. The main research achievements of existing networking technology for distributed generation DG, as well as the connection technology for networking of DG, the system planning, design and optimization of power system containing DGRs, the analysis, operation control, island detection, emergency control and relay protection of power system containing DGRs and so on are emphatically introduced. Besides, in order to provide reference for the application of DG technology in power system, the development trend of DGRs and their networking are pointed out. KEY WORDS power system distributed generation resources DGRs distributed generation DG distribution network networking technology K1 e1À s TÈ÷i©/ ¨¥ å NÐC º ö1s TÈ÷¥Ä KZШ f ĺ Xµ¥s TÈi©/ ¥ö1ùîî Ts TÈi©¥¤ g/ cs TÈ÷¥“dà a 9ªÄ cs TÈ÷¥“dsÐ eÅ _ © aÅ eÅÐÈ ¹© b] H· s TÈ÷i© / ùî¥Z t ]Ðà Z_¹s TÈ/ È ï “dÏ¥¿©s TÈ i©/ 8 Vol. 32 No. 15 V ¥ DGRsµ¨¼Å¨¥l¸²È a* ù ¿¥1ÈÌl £È© [3] y/ µ ar q® aYÌ ïv |} b Û“ S/¥Z a ¥4Ú aÌ i M ¥É a ÷¦¥ aÈ ï gÆÏȧ 7b s TÈ µ[/Ä¨Õ V 3 ÷ È 7 ¥È ÷ Tϳ ÷² [ b± 9}.dÄ F h xã a CO 2 a SO 2 al £ al©¥ b ü¹ }9ù Ö {Èh {MÈL ¥g Æ»¹n¨ [L a ©Á 3¥ÈH. 2ê bV “ - ¥ t ] As TÈÎ|Ô““Ä a« a Ì ¥Z_Z [5] b 1.2 DGRs¥¨ “ - W¸ DGRsö1µ¨A8 8T ¥ a± } aòÕýñ¨¥ È ý V 3 ÷È [4] b Ï þ a ïÈ a Ö © 3 ÷M.d¥Ä F ÷ µ¹ s Û MÄ Û©ÄL LC“Ï 7¨s TÈ T V LC ÷ ÷¥¹º ªÄ ¥Â b 1± } b± } “ -Kî aK ¿©s TÈ i©/ 8 Vol. 32 No. 15 |M¥Ø en À“dph“ª ë¯i© b _©ZEvÁ Vs¹öî_©î_© 2 Ë bî_©µV / 4Èâ a Ô q_© aÈâo_ ©©ªªi_© © u [44-46] bî_©¥ F ¦¹ î ÉBZ¹öî_©E  {ÿ qMÄ© E aíÿÊZE [45] aÈâ - Q î_©E [46] © ÙïvE ç _© © u ¯i ñ Ä {ÿ qMÄ© E®¿ V 3 ÷s T È {ÿ q È ý s;v 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