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龙源期刊网 http//www.qikan.com.cn 河北省光伏农业发展问题研究作者李天天 赵宪军等来源安徽农学通报 2015 年第 12 期摘 要在目前光伏产业出现严重过剩,农业亟需从传统农业向现代农业转型升级的现状下,将光伏电站与农业有机结合,可以达到 112 的效果。大力发展光伏农业是实现农业产业升级,走持续性发展道路的必然选择。该文通过对保定英利绿色能源控股有限公司在近年内光伏农业发展情况的介绍,来分析河北省光伏农业发展现状,并提出了相应的建议与措施。关键词河北省;光伏农业;现代农业中图分类号 F320.1 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731( 2015) 12-13-03 Study on Photovoltaic Agriculture in Hebei Province Li Tiantian et al. ( College of Economics and Trade , Agricultural University of Hebei , Baoding 071001 ,China)Abstract Recently there is a serious surplus in photovoltaic industry.It is in urgent need of transformation and upgrading from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. The combination of photovoltaic power station and agriculture can achieve greater effect. Developing the photovoltaic agriculture is the inevitable choice to realize agricultural industry upgrading and sustainable way. This article introduced the photovoltaic agricultural development of YingLi Green Energy Holding Co. ,Ltd in Baoding in recent years and analyzed the current situation of photovoltaic agricultural development in Hebei province , then put forward the corresponding suggestions and measures. Key words Hebei province ; Photovoltaic agriculture ; Modern agriculture 1 光伏农业的涵义光伏农业是将太阳能发电广泛应用到现代农业种植、养殖、灌溉、病虫害防治以及农业机械动力提供等领域的一种新型农业 [1]。光伏农业在为农业生产提供便利的同时,也提升了农业科技水平,改善了农民生活水平,推动了农村加快转型 [2]。从目前的情况来说,光伏农业大体上主要有光伏养殖、光伏种植和光伏应用 3 类。光伏养殖的应用方式主要是太阳能光伏养殖场,它是传统养殖事业的一种变革和与时俱进,将光伏技术引进,在闲置的养殖场屋顶铺设光伏电站,为其养殖生产提供绿色能源,节能环保、低碳、无污染。光伏种植的应用方式主要是新型太阳能生态农业大棚(光伏大棚),又称农光互补。光伏种植是完全通过能源自给,带


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